Weeding Your Garden

. This spring, my yard has been filled with an excess of dandelions. 🌻Watching them grow from fluffy seed clouds to vibrant yellow flowers is a delightful experience.

Since my tortoises🐢 love dandelions, I want to ensure that my yard has an abundance of dandelions for them to eat. A lot of people view these perky yellow flowers as unwanted weeds. They are seen by others as a potential liver-boosting tea or food for pets (as in my case). Yes, they can get out of control and we have to find ways to “weed” our garden.

Similar to gardening, we need to continuously cleanse and nurture our minds and bodies. It might be necessary to address tension in the body, irritability, or unhealthy lifestyle habits.

By doing purging Qigong practices, such as body tapping, while taking deep breaths through the nose and exhaling through the mouth, we can practice “weeding” our minds and bodies. The practice of journaling and meditating can assist in clearing your personal garden as well.

The important thing is recognizing when you’re out of balance and using the tools that work for you to regain harmony.

Renew Your Inner Light This Winter Solstice

Renew Your Inner Light This Winter Solstice

The winter solstice is the shortest day and the darkest night of the year, but it also marks the return of the sun and the beginning of a new cycle of life. As nature starts a new cycle of life, so can we. This time of year has been celebrated by many cultures and traditions throughout history, as a time of rebirth and renewal. It is a powerful moment to honor the cycles of nature, the balance of light and dark, and the connection between ourselves and the Universe.

The winter solstice invites us to turn inward and reconnect with our inner light, the spark of light that lives within us.

It is a great time to heal our wounds, and awaken to our unlimited potential!

Also, it is a time to celebrate the unique light we are and find ways to authentically shine our light to help the world around us.

Think about using today to renew your inner light with self-care, reflection, and intentions. Here are some ideas for you:

  • Self-Care: During this busy season self-care tends to fall to the last thing on the list. Your self-care needs to be at the top of the list. Without taking time for yourself, you increase the chances of showing up to your family with impatience, grumpiness, and lack of energy. Self-care is not just for yourself: it is for your family and friends as well. When you show up to the family gathering feeling rested and cared for, everyone around you feels that energy and you have created more happiness and ease for everyone. What fills you up and makes you feel rested and grounded? Some people like to get outside in nature, others like to meditate, read, or draw. Everyone will have their own activities that help them rest and recharge. Pick a few of your self-care activities and make them a priority today!

  • Reflection: Become self-aware of habits from the year that have not been uplifting and helpful to you. Grab a journal and write down what lessons you have learned this year, what you are bringing with you into the next year, and what you are letting go of and leaving behind. Imagine being like a deciduous tree and letting the things that are not serving you fall to the earth to be recycled. Take a deep breath and let it go!

  • Intentions: As the light grows, so do you! Grab your journal and look forward. What do you want more of in your life? How can you bring more joy into the next year? What new things can you try to get you out of your comfort zone? Have fun with this. Write from your heart and don’t let doubt stop you from writing what you truly desire. Think about what steps you can take to feel more joy and increase your spiritual growth. My Feel Good Being YOU class is coming up and this would be a perfect opportunity for personal growth in 2024. Click here to learn more about the class starting Jan. 22.

The winter solstice is a magical and meaningful time of the year, and you can renew your inner light during this time by practicing self-care, reflecting, and creating intentions. Honor this celebration and use it as a time of renewal.

Would you like to learn new tools for finding joy and creating an inspiring and exciting life for yourself? Sign up for the Feel GOOD Being YOU 6-week class that starts in January.

The Midlife "Crisis"

The Midlife "Crisis"

How to Embrace Midlife and Your Uranus Opposition.

As I approached the age of 40 years old, I started to feel this intense flame growing inside me that I couldn’t ignore. This flame took me on a journey of small and large transformations in my life. Now, at age 47, I see how much I needed the challenges that led me to live more authentically. Although it was difficult, it created a more blissful version of myself. I learned how much potential I have to create positive change, and how my heart desires to live life differently than what society has taught me is the right way to live. I learned that marriage, in the traditional way, is not aligned with my soul and so I went through major life transitions between the ages of 40-42 that led me on a deeply spiritual journey that is still playing out today. Those transitions were necessary for my soul’s lessons in this world and I am deeply grateful for the person I am today because of the transformation

If you are between the ages of 39 and 42, you’ve probably experienced any number of stressors, including relationship changes, physical changes, and emotional challenges. Most likely, you started to feel your inner world changing around age 39. Our society likes to call this period of our life — the midlife crisis. This time period aligns with a major astrology event for each of us and that is called the Uranus Opposition.

The Uranus Opposition is one of the three critical astrological events in our lives; the others being the Saturn Return and the Jupiter Return. During your Uranus Opposition, the planet Uranus is positioned exactly opposite, in the cosmos, to where it was when you were born. You start the feel the energetic effects of this astrological event at age 39.

Uranus is the planet that brings the energy of change and awakening. It can bring sudden challenges and likes to shake things up in your life so that you remember not to get too comfortable.

Midlife, or Uranus Opposition, is a time when you may face significant changes in your relationships, jobs, spirituality, and health. You may have to deal with illness, career shifts, marital problems, divorce, death, and the early stages of mental or physical decline. 

All of these factors can make this time in your life feel like a crisis, a period of turmoil and confusion that threatens your sense of identity and purpose. You may wonder if this is all there is, or if you have wasted your life. You may feel stuck, unhappy, or dissatisfied with your choices. You may long for something more, something different, something better.

But midlife doesn’t have to be a crisis. It can also be a time of opportunity, growth, and transformation. It can be a time to reconnect with yourself, your values, and your passions. It can be a time to explore new possibilities, pursue new goals, and create new meaning. It can be a time to embrace the changes and make it the best chapter yet!

Here are some tips to help you navigate the challenges and opportunities of midlife:

Accept the reality of midlife/Uranus Opposition. Don’t deny or resist the changes that are happening in your life. Instead, acknowledge them, and try to see them as natural and normal. Midlife is not a disease, a defect, or a failure. It’s a stage of life that everyone goes through, and that has its own joys and sorrows. Accepting the reality of this phase of life can help you cope with the uncertainty it brings.

Reassess your life. This is a time to reflect on your past, present, and future. It’s a time to evaluate your achievements, regrets, and aspirations. It’s a time to figure out who you’ve been, who you are, and who you want to become. Take time to journal about these reflections. Do the inner work and let go of limiting beliefs that are not serving you. Reassessing your life can help you gain clarity, insight, and direction. 

Reinvent yourself. Midlife is a time to experiment with new roles, identities, and experiences. It’s a time to try new things, learn new skills, and discover new aspects of yourself. It’s a time to challenge yourself, stretch yourself, and surprise yourself. Step out of your comfort zone and feel the magical feeling of growth and renewal! Reinventing yourself can help you grow, evolve, and thrive. 

Reclaim your power. This is a perfect time to assert your needs, wants, and boundaries. It’s a time to stand up for yourself, your values, and your dreams. It’s a time to say no to what doesn’t serve you, and yes to what does. It’s a time to take charge of your life and make it your own. When you reclaim your power, you must be ready for the relationship challenges it brings. This is part of releasing the old and creating the new.

Your Uranus Opposition is not a “crisis” like we’ve been conditioned to believe. It’s a chance to embrace the messy middle of your life, and make it the best chapter yet. By accepting the reality of midlife, reassessing what is working for you and not working for you, reinventing yourself, and reclaiming your power, you can turn your midlife challenges into midlife opportunities.

Choose to create a midlife that is meaningful, satisfying, and rewarding!

You can make your midlife the best part of your journey if you choose!

Wishing you a magical Uranus Opposition!



3 Reasons To Start a Daily Qigong Habit

Qigong is the love of my inner world at the moment. Why did I not start this magical healing tool earlier? I have faith in the answer that I wasn’t ready yet. If you feel called to learn more about this ancient healing tool, then you might be ready to learn more now!

Qigong is an ancient Chinese healing system of self-healing exercises and meditation. Qi is energy that flows through all living things. In Chinese, Qi means “life energy” and gong means “work” or “benefits acquired through practice.” When you practice qigong, you are working with life energy and thus learning how to control the flow and distribution of qi for the harmony of mind, body, and spirit.

I have been diving deeper into the wonderful magic of qigong over the last two years. When I stay consistent, with a daily practice of qigong, I can honestly say I’ve never felt more mentally positive, spiritually connected, physically lighter, and more youthful. I am going to give you resources for learning more about qigong at the end of this article. But first, let me tell you more about why you need qigong in your life.

Qi Ball

Forming a Qi ball during a qigong practice helps you cultivate and feel the energy (chi).

3 Reasons Why You Need Qigong in Your Life.

There are many reasons, but I am condensing them into three categories.

  1. Qigong helps your physical body in many ways. It creates overall better health such as healthy digestion and blood pressure and reducing pain. It also creates healthy lungs and clearer skin. Qigong has moving meditations that focus on circulating and healing each organ of the body through energy movement. There is a lot of stuck energy in our body that needs to be circulated or it will cause impairment. It also increases muscle coordination and balance. This is a great tool for feeling in control of your healing process!

  2. Qigong helps your mental health by giving you a calmer mind and decreasing anxiety and depression. The repetitive soothing movements have a meditative effect on the mind that helps you focus on the present moment and not the many thoughts of the past and present. Having a balanced and calmer mind creates harmony between the brain and heart and therefore a more joyful life. I have certain qigong routines I do to help me feel more joy in my day and other routines that help me decrease my overactive mind and just enjoy life in the moment. There are qigong moves to help with any imbalance you are experiencing.

  3. Qigong strengthens your connection to your spiritual self by increasing intuition and spiritual wisdom. Once qigong becomes a daily habit, you might start to notice a lot more vivid and meaningful dreams. This comes from the energy work being done and also the deeper sleep you start experiencing. Circulating the qi is helping you clear the energy of the heart and third eye and therefore you see and feel clearer than ever before! Making decisions becomes a lot easier for the qigong practitioner!

    Have you thought about trying qigong? Take this as a sign! Keep up the practice and feel the benefits on all levels- mind, body, and soul. Use the references below to dive deeper into this magical practice.

    Happy energy healing!

    Sharon Hudson


    The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing, Kenneth S. Cohen

    Yoqi Youtube Channel

5 Ways to Decrease the Holiday Blues

5 Ways to Decrease the Holiday Blues

Do you ever feel kind of sad during the holidays? I get that way sometimes as Christmas approaches. Even people that love the holidays can experience some periods of feeling a little down during the season. The holidays, for some people, can be lonely. Other people might experience the opposite, and feel the desire to get away from the stress and high emotions of the holidays. But even if you are around a large number of family members, it can still feel lonely to those that are not taking care of themselves emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Here are 5 Ways to Decrease the Holiday Blues

  1. Exercise regularly - Go for a walk or do a quick workout on youtube. The more you move your body the better. I like to walk, do quick and intense workouts on youtube, and Qigong.

  2. Meditate daily - Take 5-10 minutes a day to sit and focus on your breath or do a guided meditation. You can find thousands of guided meditations on Insight Timer. Check out some of mine.

  3. Get support from loved ones - If you are dealing with a break-up or mourning the passing of a family member, friend, or pet, the best thing you can do is talk to someone about your sadness. Don’t hold it in. Write about it, talk about it, and let yourself feel it. Then plan something fun to do that will take your mind off the absence of that person in your life.

  4. Get plenty of sleep - Don’t stay up late partying or watching shows. The more rested you are, the less stress you feel. Create an intention every day to start winding down and relaxing at a certain time for a full and restful night's sleep.

  5. Limit your alcohol intake - This one may upset people, and you may scratch this one off the list. You might think that alcohol helps you get through challenging family events, but it has the potential to make things explosive. Family drama exists a lot more often when alcohol is involved. Also, alcohol changes serotonin levels and other neurotransmitters in the brain, which can increase anxiety levels. Limit yourself to one drink and see how much better you feel the next day.

    These are just my suggestions. Tune into your heart and feel what will work best for you. Ask your higher self what you need to do to have a happy, healthy, and enjoyable holiday season. You get your best answers from the truth within yourself. If you need further support, connect with me here or schedule a session here.

If you are tired of being single or with the wrong person during the holidays, I invite you to join this class:

How to Attract High Vibe Love.


Need More Confidence?

As a kid, I struggled with confidence. I was extremely shy and never wanted to partake in any activity that I thought I might fail at. My dad always told me to never say the word “can’t.” As an adult, I am now listening to his advice. I know he is happy about that.

Do you want to build your confidence?

  • Try new things outside your comfort zone.

  • Connect to the Divine through meditation and/or nature.

  • Practice feeling grateful for what you have to offer the world.

  • Become aware of when you say the word “can’t” and transform the statement to “I can if…”

  • Surround yourself with people that inspire you.

  • Take baby steps towards your goals.

  • Talk to yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how awesome you are.

  • Be open to hearing constructive feedback from others and using that feedback to improve.

Try one of these ideas to focus on each week and see how your confidence level rises. Confidence doesn’t increase overnight and sometimes we feel really confident and the next day we don’t. It’s an ebb and flow, but you are still climbing the ladder of growth. Every hard day occurs to teach you something.

Shift your perceptions of your challenges being mistakes or failures into growth opportunities and feel yourself expand in the process!

Help yourself or your teen with confidence! Schedule a coaching consultation today!

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Subconscious Reprogramming

As young children we were given our subconscious beliefs through our experiences with our parents, friends, teachers, etc. This is an important part of everyone’s childhood. From these beliefs that were programmed into our subconscious comes our beliefs and behaviors. Do you find yourself attracting the same kind of people over and over? Do you keep getting stuck in the same kind of job? These are patterns that are playing out from your subconscious beliefs. Some examples of unwanted beliefs are “I am not deserving of a good man in my life.” or “I am always going to be fat.” or “I will never be a good mom.”

There are so many beliefs that we are holding in our subconscious that our affecting how we live every day!

Reprogramming our beliefs

As adults we are able to reprogram those beliefs that are affecting our lives in a negative way. This involves moving into a theta brain wave state and visualizing changes being made to your past. For example: If you had parents that always told you that the key to happiness is making money, and you don’t want that relationship with money anymore, you can get into a theta wave state and visualize your parents telling you and showing you something different. You can go back to your past and REWRITE it! It’s AMAZING! I know you are thinking “how could this happen?” Your brain and body do not know the difference between what you imagine and what you actually do in your outside reality. What you think about and imagine is what plays out in your reality, so get down and deep into your subconscious and plant some differnt seeds! This is what life is all about-becoming your authentic self with beliefs that you choose.

This is basically hypnosis…

Hypnosis is guided meditaiton where you are being guided to change a belief. Some people can go deep and quick and some people need consistent practice with it. This term “subconscious reprogramming” is used more often these days, because it explains what hypnosis does. YOU can do this YOURSELF! Yes, it helps to have someone, that is trained, to guide you, but I have found that when I create my own subconscious reprogramming meditations with the exact words, and visualizations I need, then I help myself get to where I want to be much faster.

Did I help clear up some confusion??

Would you like help in reprogramming your subconsious beliefs? Take control of your life! YOU are the director of your life and YOU can make anything happen that you truly desire.

Take that next step and contact me!

You Are a Work in Progress!

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The difficulties transform into beautiful moments. Stay present and remember you are evolving!

Heal Yourself To Deepen Relationships

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To deepen all of your relationships with-friends, family, significant others-take time to HEAL.

If we ignore and don’t heal our wounds from past trauma we repeat patterns that hold us back, create pain in our relationships, and prevent us from experiencing a blissful life.

The ways I practice healing:

  1. Guided meditations on insight timer

  2. Writing in my journal when the wounds are hurting

  3. Spending time in nature and in the sun.

  4. Reading about other people’s healing journeys

  5. Helping others with their healing

  6. Being creative

Check out my Healing Light and Reprogramming meditation on Insight Timer

Happy Healing!



Feel Safe and Secure

We must learn to TRUST the process.  Every experience is leading us towards growth and expansion.

We must learn to TRUST the process. Every experience is leading us towards growth and expansion.

Release Your Inner Thorns

Release Your Inner Thorns

 On a recent trip to Colorado, my daughter, Millie, tripped and fell into a bed of sticker burrs. Fortunately, I was able to remove most of them with my hand. When I tried pulling the last two remaining burrs out with a tweezer, Millie felt pain and dramatically pulled her hand away from me with refusal.  I attempted everything to get her to give me her hand so that I could remove the thorns; everything besides holding her down.  After a few days, I gave up the battle and the thorns took up residence below her skin.   Millie protected herself from feeling the thorns by not using her left hand for many days.  As long as she didn’t have to feel the pain of the thorns, she was content with them residing in her hand forever.

Millie’s way of protecting herself from the physical pain of the thorns reminds me of how we all do something similar with our emotional inner thorns.  Michael A. Singer writes about these thorns in his book, “The Untethered Soul.”  Like my 7-year-old daughter protected herself from feeling the pain emanating from her outer thorns, we protect ourselves from feeling the pain of our inner thorns

We are all walking around with these hidden inner thorns that we are struggling with and trying to shield from situations that will cause us to feel pain.

These thorns are impressions inside us that arise from experiences that caused us emotional discomfort such as grief, fear, and sadness.   Michael A. Singer calls these thorns “unfinished energy patterns of the past” that lie dormant in our hearts and are forgotten about until they are touched or triggered by a situation that reminds us of the circumstances that caused the thorn or pattern. These patterns end up running our lives, because we plan life around protecting our inner thorns from being felt and we don’t even realize we are doing this until we take the time to observe and become aware.

 This is the reason why people tend to avoid certain life experiences; they fear that they will feel the flare up of pain from those buried thorns.

 These thorns come to surface in our lives in many ways.   People may have inner thorns from abandonement, infidelity, alcoholic parents, bullying….and the list goes on and on. Have you ever had that friend or partner that seemed to be so sensitive about everything?  Maybe that person is you.  A very emotionally sensitive person has MANY inner thorns that are being triggered.  Yes, it’s okay to accept that you or someone else is sensitive, but it is not okay to refrain from not doing the work to change.  The patterns will camp out in your heart until you choose to release them. Most people push the pain away and bury them deep inside in hopes to never see it again.  When you do this, the pain will still show up in your life on certain occasions.  If you allow yourself to feel the pain and let it run through you, freedom from the pattern reappearing will occur.   I know you are wondering “How is this possible?”  It takes hard work and consistency.  Most people start the process by going to a therapy session or doing a few meditations and then quit, because they feel momentarily better.  It takes more than that. I suggest you try the following techniques for letting go of those inner thorns:

  • AWARENESS: Become aware of your emotions when your thorn is being touched.  This is your moment of being triggered. Notice how the emotion feels and where you are feeling it in your body.  When you stop and step back to observe, you separate yourself and feel less attached to the feeling.

  • Write:   When your energy pattern gets triggered, write about the first time you felt this pain.  This will help you see that your current situation is different or maybe it will help you see that it is very similar and it’s time for you to break the pattern and make different choices in your life.

  • Release:  Visualize your energy patterns moving out of your heart and into the universe and feel the feeling of release.  Imagine the thorns breaking and disintegrating.  Write down the pattern and tear it up or burn it.  Use your intuition to guide you on what will work for you.

  • Reprogram:  Get into a meditative state, imagine yourself back in the past, and use visualization to create what you needed in your life to prevent this pattern from materializing.  For example:  if you have an energy pattern of not feeling good enough to succeed at something because your parents never showed you they believed you could do anything you set your mind to, then imagine a scenario of your parents giving you what you needed as a kid in order to feel their faith in your abilities. Listen to your heart and visualize what you need to change to reprogram the past. Create a different ending! This may seem silly, but your body and brain can’t tell the difference between what you are imagining and what happens in your outer reality.  It’s all the same.  If you imagine a new past a few times a week, then your body and brain begin to act differently. Try it!

 The most important thing to remember when trying to get rid of your inner thorns is that when you have a pattern that has been there for many years, it will take a lot of commitment to let it go.

You must set strong intentions for releasing and letting go of these patterns that limit you in life.  Stay strong in what kind of life you want to create.  Also, you must know that there will always be something to work on within yourself.  This is what life is about-learning and growing through our challenges. You are capable of growing and transforming into the person you want to be!  It’s all about how committed you are and what you believe about yourself. 









Release Your Inner Thorns

Stop Trying To Do More Than Your Best!

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For so long we have been taught the idea of “do your best.” We all have our own experiences of growing up and what we learned is our “best.” Were you conditioned to work so hard on projects, school, work, etc. that you can’t enjoy the process and the journey of getting to that perfect destination? My question for you to think about today is:

Are you working beyond your best and is it worth it?

Doing your best is going to change from day to day. If you are sick, your best might be just getting out of bed to shower. Some days your best is getting 3 things checked off on your long To Do List. Be kind to yourself and realize that doing your best does not mean working yourself so hard that you can’t enjoy the process of getting to the ending. If you are feeling exhausted and drained, you have gone beyond your best. Listen to what your body is telling you. If you push yourself too hard, your best will be an exhausted effort. Not all days are meant to be productive. Be kind to yourself, treat yourself with love and accept that your best does not mean perfection.

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IF-THEN Thinking: Waiting for happiness

Have you noticed yourself thinking that something "needs to happen" before you can be happy?  If you are in relationship, you might have thought, "If he could just clean up after himself, then I'd be happy" or "If I could just have someone clean my house, then I'll be happy."  How about this one, "when I have more money, I'll by happier."  Do any of these sound familiar?  This is called conditional or IF-THEN thinking.

Most of us have had some version of conditional thinking in our minds.  When we are stuck in this waiting period, we are not enjoying the present moment and this can cause depression and anxiety. When I catch myself thinking these IF-THEN thoughts, it is usually because I have neglected my gratitude journal or have not had alone time to recharge.  Gratitude for the present moment and for whatever the future may bring is the cure to conditional thinking.  Make gratitude a daily occurrence.  Write down what you are thankful for.  Voice your gratitude aloud to your family and friends.  Every time you feel gratitude, you are helping yourself attract more things to be grateful for and you are not sitting in that endless waiting room for your number to be called.

Don't postpone your happiness for some future moment that may never happen and if it does happen, it will change, because nothing stays the same.   Change is always going to happen.  Nothing is permanent. 

Take some time today to notice your thoughts.  What is occupying your mind?  Do you want those thoughts there?  You have the power to change them!

1 Comment


Home Alone

I am in my home ALONE.  Ahhhhh It feels so good!  I love my house.  It is quiet and immensely relaxing.  I clean a little, organize a little, meditate a little and just sit.  It feels so good to just sit!  I can stay on this couch for more than a few minutes without having to get up to help someone.  No one needs me right now.  I don't hear "I'm hungry" over and over.  I don't have to come up with creative and healthy snacks all day.   No one is having a meltdown that will lead me to heartache and frustration.  I can leave the door open for the dogs to go in and out as they please!  I can watch my favorite t.v. show or read a book without any interruptions or anyone asking me "Why are you watching that?" It feels good to just worry about myself right now.  The silence and space is golden. This is rejuvenating and soul nourishing.  This is recharging me so that I can approach those meltdowns and constant needs from my family with love and patience.  I will become a happier mom and wife from these moments of alone time in my home. Alone time is IMPORTANT!  I hope you take the time to nourish yourself this week and find that moment of alone time to recharge your soul and spread the happiness to all of your loved ones. 



Turning 40: A Letter to My 20-year-old Self

Dear 20-year-old self,

I know you have many fears about the future.  Instead of pursuing your dream job, you have decided to settle for something that is a sure thing.  You are scared of failure. Soon you will find out it is not a sure thing, because you were never meant to do it.  You will change your mind many times before you graduate college and that is okay.  Every decision you make is the right decision for you at that time.  Every failure is there for you to learn from your mistakes and become more aligned with your true self.  Stop being scared of what people will think of you.  That fear will slowly dissipate over the next twenty years.  You have a lot to look forward to.  Turning 40 is not so bad.

Being 40-years-old isn't at all what you are expecting.  You are not old and wrinkly...okay maybe just a few....well actually you get many wrinkles after Millie comes along and you actually start considering botox.   You don't live a boring domesticated life at 40 like you are thinking.   In fact, there is never a dull moment in your house; especially because you have a husband with ADHD and a 4-year-old daughter that can have a melt down at any minute.  Waking up to a husband that dances in the morning, dresses up in a T-Rex costume and says weird things is a daily occurrence for you at 40.  Your daughter teaches you to be more patient, loving and to let loose and have fun every day.  You are a better person because of them.  You are thinking that at 40 you will never go out and have fun with your friends, but that has not happened yet!  Yes, the nights out do not last very long (because we are old) and not as often, but when the fun nights occur, they are of high quality with insightful conversations.  You do not have the same best friends at 40 that you have at 20.  Your 20-year-old best friends will always be in your heart and you in theirs.  You will always be able to pick up where you left off with them, but life has lead you in a different direction.    When you get here to age 40, you will see, it is like a breath of fresh air.  You will feel a sense of freedom from knowing yourself so well.  You can say no when you want to and yes when it feels right.  Your intuition has become your guide for decision making.  You become fearless and start following your dreams.  Your passions for helping animals and the youth of our nation continue to grow and are blooming into something magnificent.  So please don't worry, my younger self, because you are on an exciting journey.  Live each day knowing that every day is important and leading you to this place of freedom.  Smile, sit back and enjoy the next 20 years!



Stepping out of the Comfort Zone

     When you have a dream and you receive a strong intuition to pursue that dream, you should listen and do not give up!  Do not let fear keep you in your comfort zone.  Sometimes fear can be just as strong as your intuition.  Take some time to meditate and become clear on what you are being guided to do.  Fear can mask who you are.  Courage is given to you when you need it and should not be ignored.  It is such an exhilarating feeling to let go of the fear and step out of your comfort zone.  

     If you fear people's reactions to your dream, don't tell them.   Let them see for themselves when you get there.  Some people can put more fear and doubt in your mind than you already have and that can be strong enough to stop you on your path to where your soul yearns to be. You, and only you, know what to do.  Stay strong in your beliefs.  If you let fear and doubt take over, then you will never feel the freedom of living your life for you. 

     Many of us change pathways throughout life.   It can be confusing when your dreams change on you.  You were lead to an amazing opportunity that you really wanted and felt lucky to have, but then you start getting messages that there is another place you need to be.    Another vision and desire is being spoken to you and there is something even better waiting for you!  The hurt, frustrations, and failures you have with each life event along your path are meant to help you grow and prepare you for your next step.   Eventually, the Divine will guide you to the perfect place, the perfect family and the perfect job for you.  Everything happens as it should.  Do not have any regrets.  Build on life lessons and be the amazing and perfect you!

     There have been many synchronicities that have lead me to where I am headed. I know that there is more than Dream Beautiful.  I feel this is leading me to something even grander. I am listening to my higher self and moving forward to what awaits me.  This gives me pure joy.   Join me on my journey as I reflect on my insights and inspirations from living this life in this moment.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

--Neal Donald Walsch