Coaching kids is different from coaching adults because of the rapid brain development that is constantly occurring as children grow. The brain is not fully developed until the early 20s. Adults have a developed brain and have more life experience to draw upon in their exercises with me, which makes coaching kids require a stronger teaching component. Coaching kids helps build resilience, self-esteem, and self-confidence. It also helps kids develop their own "heart compass" or intuition in order to think for themselves and stand up to peer pressure. Through the coaching experience, kids will learn to live life with intention, purpose, and a vision for what they want in their lives.
When coaching kids, I use a combination of my own curriculum, Mindful Schools lessons, and HeartMath coaching. In my workshops and in one-on-one coaching sessions, I teach skills to help kids build confidence and emotional resiliency such as meditation, mental rehearsal, self-talk transformation, positive affirmations, journaling, and more. The skills I teach are skills that some adults have not yet learned, but that are guaranteed to help in every aspect of life, so I work to give kids a head-start in this kind of personal development that will be crucial to their fulfillment later on. Through my coaching and teaching, kids are empowered to be self-leaders in their lives in order to create happiness and success with emotional resiliency as they journey through life.