Meeting Your Child's Unmet Needs with Connection and FOOD!
I believe most undesirable behaviors in our children are because of unmet needs. A grouchy child usually needs food or more sleep. Most of the time the undesirable behavior is occurring because of lack of connection. When was the last time you looked your child in the eye and had a conversation? We get so lost in our day to day busyness that sometimes we forget that our child needs a hug. Next time you tell your child, "Just a minute", stop and ask yourself: how many times have I said that today? Give your child a few hours or more of authentic connection and you will see the your child shine with happiness and flow with the day easier. Oh and also make sure you have lots of snacks ready when the grouchy symptoms occur!
We all have our days when parenting is just so difficult and we just need some space! Believe me I've been there! Take some time to yourself and breathe! This will make your connection time with your child that much better!