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Need More Confidence?

As a kid, I struggled with confidence. I was extremely shy and never wanted to partake in any activity that I thought I might fail at. My dad always told me to never say the word “can’t.” As an adult, I am now listening to his advice. I know he is happy about that.

Do you want to build your confidence?

  • Try new things outside your comfort zone.

  • Connect to the Divine through meditation and/or nature.

  • Practice feeling grateful for what you have to offer the world.

  • Become aware of when you say the word “can’t” and transform the statement to “I can if…”

  • Surround yourself with people that inspire you.

  • Take baby steps towards your goals.

  • Talk to yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how awesome you are.

  • Be open to hearing constructive feedback from others and using that feedback to improve.

Try one of these ideas to focus on each week and see how your confidence level rises. Confidence doesn’t increase overnight and sometimes we feel really confident and the next day we don’t. It’s an ebb and flow, but you are still climbing the ladder of growth. Every hard day occurs to teach you something.

Shift your perceptions of your challenges being mistakes or failures into growth opportunities and feel yourself expand in the process!

Help yourself or your teen with confidence! Schedule a coaching consultation today!

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Stop Trying To Do More Than Your Best!

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For so long we have been taught the idea of “do your best.” We all have our own experiences of growing up and what we learned is our “best.” Were you conditioned to work so hard on projects, school, work, etc. that you can’t enjoy the process and the journey of getting to that perfect destination? My question for you to think about today is:

Are you working beyond your best and is it worth it?

Doing your best is going to change from day to day. If you are sick, your best might be just getting out of bed to shower. Some days your best is getting 3 things checked off on your long To Do List. Be kind to yourself and realize that doing your best does not mean working yourself so hard that you can’t enjoy the process of getting to the ending. If you are feeling exhausted and drained, you have gone beyond your best. Listen to what your body is telling you. If you push yourself too hard, your best will be an exhausted effort. Not all days are meant to be productive. Be kind to yourself, treat yourself with love and accept that your best does not mean perfection.

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IF-THEN Thinking: Waiting for happiness

Have you noticed yourself thinking that something "needs to happen" before you can be happy?  If you are in relationship, you might have thought, "If he could just clean up after himself, then I'd be happy" or "If I could just have someone clean my house, then I'll be happy."  How about this one, "when I have more money, I'll by happier."  Do any of these sound familiar?  This is called conditional or IF-THEN thinking.

Most of us have had some version of conditional thinking in our minds.  When we are stuck in this waiting period, we are not enjoying the present moment and this can cause depression and anxiety. When I catch myself thinking these IF-THEN thoughts, it is usually because I have neglected my gratitude journal or have not had alone time to recharge.  Gratitude for the present moment and for whatever the future may bring is the cure to conditional thinking.  Make gratitude a daily occurrence.  Write down what you are thankful for.  Voice your gratitude aloud to your family and friends.  Every time you feel gratitude, you are helping yourself attract more things to be grateful for and you are not sitting in that endless waiting room for your number to be called.

Don't postpone your happiness for some future moment that may never happen and if it does happen, it will change, because nothing stays the same.   Change is always going to happen.  Nothing is permanent. 

Take some time today to notice your thoughts.  What is occupying your mind?  Do you want those thoughts there?  You have the power to change them!

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